delhi sultanate questions and answers
Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate basically refers to the Muslim rulers who ruled India through Delhi. The founded of the Delhi Sultanate was the result of Turco invasions. It was founded by Qutb al-Din Aibak. Over which the Sultans of Ghulam, Khilji, Tughlaq, Syed and Lodi dynasty ruled. Qutb al-Din Aibak was a general of the Ghurid king Mu'izz ad-Din Muhammad Ghori. He was in-charge of the Ghurid territories in northern India, and after Mu'izz ad-Din's death, he became the ruler of an independent kingdom that evolved into the Delhi Sultanate ruled by the Mamluk dynasty. 

Here are the important questions asked in the exam on Delhi Sultanate Topic. Which is very important for your success.

1. The French challenge to British in India came to an end with :
(A) battle of Wandiwash ✔ (B) battle of Srirangpatnam
(C) battle of Plassey (D) battle of Buxar

2. Gandhara School of Art came into existence in :
(A) Hinayana sect (B) Mahayana sect 
(C) Vaishanava sect (D) Shiva sect

3. The most popular god of the Tamil during the Sangam age was :
(A) Indra (B) Murugan 
(C) Varuna (D) Tirumal

4. Which ruler of Chittor constructed a victory tower in Chittor to comemorate his victory over Mahmud Khilji of Malwa?
(A) RanaSanga (B) Rana Khumba 
(C) Rana Udai Singh (D) Rana Pratap

5. Who among the following taught the doctrine of Shunyata (Shunyavad)?
(A) Nagarjuna ✔ (B) Shankaracharya
(C) Harisena (D) Vallabhacharya

6. Which Governor General is associated with Doctrine of Lapse?
(A) Lord Ripon (B) Lord Dalhousie 
(C) Lord Bentinck (D) Lord Curzon

7. The largest standing army of the Sultanate, directly paid by the state was created by :
(A) Illtutmish (B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq ✔ (D) Sikander Lodhi

8. Identify the European power from whom Shivaji obtained cannons and ammunitions.
(A) The French (B) The Portuguese 
(C) The Dutch (D) The English

9. Who built the Khajuraho temples?
(A) Holkars (B) Scindias
(C) Bundela (D) Chandela 

10. Who published the journal Dinbandnu?
(A) NM Lokhandey ✔ (B) Sasipada Banerjee
(C) BP Wadia (D) Lala Lajpat Rai

Read in Hindi : दिल्ली सल्तनत के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर

11. Which of the following is the latest site found?
(A) Dholavira ✔ (B) Amri
(C) Bhimbad (D) Alamgirpur

12. Which of the following was not a capital of Magadhan empire?
(A) Girivraja (B) Rajgriha
(C) Pataliputra (D) Kosambi 

13. In the Gupta age, Varahamihira wrote the famous book, Brihat Samhita. It was a treatise on :
(A) astronomy ✔ (B) statecraft
(C) ayurvedic system of medicine (D) economics

14. The Greek ambassador sent to Chandragupta Mauryan’s court was
(A) Kautilya (B) Seluceus Nicater
(C) Megasthenes ✔ (D) Itsing

15. Identify the Vijaynagar coin which were in the circulation and were the most widely recognised currency.
(A) Dinar (B) Huna
(C) Panam (D) Pagoda 

16. At the time, when Nadir Shah attacked Delhi, the Mughal Emperor was
(A) Ahmad Shah (B) Bahadur Shah
(C) Muhammad Shah ✔ (D) Shah Alam II

17. Who was the leader of Revolt of the Mundas in 1899-1900?
(A) Siddhu (B) Buddhu Bhagat
(C) Birsa Munda ✔ (D) Shambhudan

18. India War of Independence 1857’ is written by
(A) SN Sen (B) RC Majumdar
(C) VD Savarkar ✔ (D) SB Chaudhary

19. Who among the following Peshwas was popularly known as Nana Saheb?
(A) Balaji Vishwanath (B) Baji Rao
(C) Balaji Baji Rao ✔ (D) Madhav Rao I

20. Who was the leader of Champaran Indigo Movement?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi ✔ (B) Birsa Munda
(C) Baba Ramchandra (D) Ram Singh

21. Who is rightly called the “Father of Local Self Government” in India?
(A) Lord Mayo (B) Lord Ripon 
(C) Lord Curzon (D) Lord Clive

22. The famous Kohinoor diamond was produced from of the mines in :
(A) Orissa (B) Chhotanagpur
(C) Bijapur (D) Golconda 

23. A renowned Jain scholar who was greatly honoured by Akbar was :
(A) Hemchandra (B) Harivijaya 
(C) Vastupala (D) Bhadrabahu

24. The Upanishads were translated into Persian by Dara Shikoh were the title :
(A) Al-Fihrist (B) Kitab-ul-Bayan
(C) Majm-ul-Bahrain (D) Sirr-I-Akbar 

25. Kabir was the disciple of
(A) Nanak (B) Ramanuj
(C) Shankaracharya (D) Ramananda 

26. Pratishana an important trading centre was on the river
(A) Cauvery (B) Krishna
(C) Godavari ✔ (D) Narmada

27. At which place in Bengal was the East India Company given permission to trade and build a factory by the Mughals in 1651?
(A) Calcutta (B) Cassim Bazan 
(C) Singur (D) Burdwan

28. The Indus Valley people traded with the
(A) Chinese (B) Mesopotamians 
(C) Parthians (D) Romans

29. The term ‘Aryan’ denotes
(A) an ethnic group (B) a nomadic people
(C) a speech group ✔ (D) a superior race

30. Remains of which animals have not been discovered in the Indus Valley Civilisation?
(A) Lion ✔ (B) Horse
(C) Cow (D) Elephant

31. The Bhakti Saint who influenced Shivaji to fight for political power was :
(A) Ramadas ✔ (B) Tukaram
(C) Eknath (D) Chakradhar

32. Which philosophical system was founded by Vallabhacharya?
(A) Advaita (B) Suddhadvaita 
(C) Anebntavada (D) Visistadvaita

33. The capital of Kadamba kings was
(A) Tanjore (B) Banavasi 
(C) Kanchi (D) Badami

34. Which of the following Ashokan inscription is in Kharoshthi script?
(A) Kalsi (B) Girnar
(C) Shahvajadi ✔ (D) Meerut

35. Which Gupta emperor issued the largest number of inscriptions?
(A) Buddhagupta (B) Chandragupta II
(C) Samudragupta (D) Kumargupta I 

36. The concept of Trinity of Gods of Hindus became popular in which period?
(A) Later Vedic period (B) Mauryan period
(C) Post Mauryan period (D) Gupta period 

37. The great law giver of ancient times was :
(A) Manu ✔ (B) Vatsyayana
(C) Ashoka (D) Aryabhatta

38. By whom the first republic of the world was established in Vaishali?
(A) Maurya (B) Nand
(C) Gupta (D) Lichhavi 

39. The sacred books of Jains are called :
(A) Agama Sidhanta (B) Angas 
(C) Aranayka (D) Upangas

40. The Vakatakas ruler who was allied with Chandragupta II was :
(A) Rudrasena II ✔ (B) Rudraseina III
(C) Pravarasena (D) Vindhystabti

41. Which was the first capital of Magadha?
(A) Pataliputra (B) Vaishali
(C) Girivarja (Rajgriha) ✔ (D) Champa

42. Who were ‘Umanar’ in the Sangam Age?
(A) The retaliers in salt (B) Military commanders 
(C) Shopkeepers (D) Agriculturists

43. Which of the following sacred Buddhist place was situated on the river Niranjana?
(A) Bodh Caya ✔ (B) Kushinagara
(C) Lumbini (D) Rishipattanam

44. The Lodhi dynasty was founded by :
(A) Ibrahim Lodhi (B) Sikandar Lodhi
(C) Bahlol Lodi ✔ (D) Khizr Khan

45. The famous Amir Khusaro was associated with the court of :
(A) Nawab Asafuddaula (B) Alauddin Khilji 
(C) Mohammad Shah ‘Rangila’ (D) Qutubuddin Aibak

46. ‘Sohan Culture’ is another name of :
(A) Paleolithic culture ✔ (B) Mesolithic culture
(C) Neolithic culture (D) Chalcolithic culture

47. Which animal figures most in the cave paintings of Mesolithic age?
(A) Tiger (B) Cow
(C) Buffalo (D) Deer 

48. The most number of Chalcolithic cultural sites were found along the river :
(A) Chambal ✔ (B) Narmada
(C) Tapi (D) Sutlej

49. The royal emblem used by the Gupta Period was
(A) Garuda ✔ (B) Varaha
(C) Bull (D) Lakshmi

50. Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshila located?
(A) Indus and Jhelum ✔ (B) Jhelum and Chenab
(C) Chenab and Ravi (D) Ravi and Beas

51. Which of the following is the work of Hiuen-Tsang?
(A) Wen-Heint-ung ka (B) Fa-Yuan, Chn-lin
(C) Chiku-chin totas Inn Heng (D) Ta Tang hsi yu chi 

52. In which year Kharvela is said to have defeated the ruler of Magadha?
(A) Twelfth year ✔ (B) Thirteenth year
(C) In the very first year (D) None of these

53. Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammar?
(A) Kalidasa (B) Charak
(C) Panini ✔ (D) Aryabhatt

54. The cow was an important form of wealth in :
(A) the Rigvedic Age ✔ (B) the later Vedic Age
(C) The post Vedic Age (D) the Epic Age

55. To which religion is the term ‘Anuvrata’ related?
(A) Mahayana Buddhism (B) Hinayana Buddhism
(C) Jainism ✔ (D) Lokayata School

56. Under which Mughal Emperor did paintings reach technical perfection, though they were devoid of real beauty and emotions?
(A) Humayun (B) Akbar
(C) Jahangir (D) Shahjahan 

57. Which of the following not known to have grown during Indus Valley Civilisation?
(A) Cotton (B) Wheat
(C) Barley (D) Pulses 

58. From where the copper chariot of Harappan times was found?
(A) Kunal (B) Rakhigarhi
(C) Daimabad (D) Banawali 

59. In which Upanishad is mentioned ‘Satyamev Jayate’?
(A) Chandogya Upanishad (B) Prasana Upanishad
(C) Isa Upanishad (D) Mundaka Upanishad 

60. A statue of bearded man was found at
(A) Harappa (B) Mohenjodaro 
(C) Lothal (D) Kot Diji

61. The term Nishkas which meant an ornament in the Vedic Period was used in later times to denote a/an
(A) weapons (B) agricultural Implement
(C) script (D) coin 

62. Which of the following is correct sequence of administrative divisions in Gupta period?
(A) Bhukti, Vithika, Vithi, Grama 
(B) Vishya, Bhukti, Vithib ka Grama
(C) Vithika, Grama, Bhukti, Vishaya
(D) None of the above

63. Which one of the following is not common in Buddhism and Jainism?
(A) Non-violence (Ahimsa)
(B) Indifference to Vedas
(C) Self-mortification 
(D) Rejection of rituals

64. The practice of military governorship was first introduced in India by the :
(A) Greeks ✔ (B) Sakas
(C) Parthians (D) Mughals

65. Which of the following movement came to an abrupt end because of Chauri Chaura incident?
(A) Non Cooperation Movement 
(B) Home Rule Movement
(C) Khilafat Movement
(D) Quit India Movement

66. Sati was declared illegal and punishable by the Regulation XVII during the Governor Generalship of :
(A) Lord William Bentinck ✔ (B) Lord Canning
(C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Dalhousie

67. Who among the following leaders dominated the Lucknow Pact in December, 1916?
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru (B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 
(C) Moti Lal Nehru (D) Madan Mohan Malaviya

68. ‘Vande Mataram’, the National Song, was a part of :
(A) Durgesh Nandin (B) Sarawati Chandra
(C) Grihadaha (D) Anand Math 

69. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the writing of
(A) Bernard Shaw (B) Karl Marx
(C) Lenin (D) Leo Tolstoy 

70. The Simon Commission was, appointed when?
(A) Ilrwin was the Viceroy of India 
(B) Labour Party had an office in Britain
(C) Birkhead was the British PM
(D) None of the above

71. Sharada Act fixed the minimum age of marriage of girls and boys respectively as :
(A) 12 and 16  (B) 14 and 18 
(C) 15 and 21 (D) 16 and 22

72. Who was the first Indian to become member of the British Parliament?
(A) Badruddin Tyabji (B) W C Banerjee
(C) D N Wacha (D) Dadabhai Naoroji 

73. The Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947) was about :
(A) guidelines’s for the formation of constitution for India by the Constituent Assembly
(B) creation of federal government
(C) a plan for controlling communal riots raging all over India at the same time.
(D) the method by which power was to be transferred from British to Indian hands. 

74. Gandhi ji’s call for breaking Salt Laws was in response to the
(A) Non Cooperation Movement
(B) Civil Disobedience Movement 
(C) Khilafat Movement
(D) Quit India Movement

75. What was Ziyarat in the language of the Sufis?
(A) Pilgrimage to the tombs of Sufi saints for seeking barkat (spiritual grace) @
(B) Reciting divine name
(C) Offering free kitchens run on futuh (unasked for charity)
(D) Setting up of auqaf (charitable trusts)

76. Who amongst the following Englishmen, first translated ‘Bhagvad-Gita’ into English?
(A) William Jones
(B) Charles Wilkins 
(C) Alexander Cunningham
(D) John Marshall

77. Ram Mohan Roy was given the title of ‘Raja’ by :
(A) Lord William Bentinck
(B) Akbar Shah II 
(C) Followers of Brahm Samaj
(D) Intellectuals opposing the custom of Sati

78. The first Satyagrahi selected by Mahatma Gandhi to launch the individual Satyagraha in October, 1940 :
(A) C Rajagopalachari
(B) Vallabh bhai Patel
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(D) Vinoba Bhave 

79. The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in :
(A) 1928 (B) 1930 
(C) 1931 (D) 1922

80. Simon Commission was boycotted by the nationalist leaders of India because
(A) they felt that it was only an eyewash
(B) all the members of the commission were English 
(C) the members of the commission were biased against India
(D) it did not meet the demands of the Indians

81. Through which principle/device did Mahatma Gandhi strive to bridge economic inequalities?
(A) Abolition of machinery
(B) Establishment of village industries
(C) Adoption of non-violence
(D) Trusteeship theory 

82. Malik Kafur was whose Governor General?
(A) Balban (B) Alauddin Khilji 
(C) Muhammad-bin Tughlaq (D) Feroz Shah Tughlaq

83. Which of the following was most important weakness of Revolt of 1857?
(A) Lack of discipline among rebel sepoys
(B) The rebels lacked coordination and union
(C) Lack of modern weapons of the above
(D) All of the above 

84. Who founded Widow Remarriage Association in 1850s?
(A) Jyotiba Phule (B) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(C) Vishnu Shastri Pandit ✔ (D) None of the above

85. Which Mughal Emperor was first a prisoner of the British and later a prisoner of the Marathas till his death?
(A) Shah Alaml II ✔ (B) Bahadur Shah II
(C) Alamgir II (D) Akbar Shah I

86. Who of the following was known as Desh-bandhu?
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh (B) Chittranjan Das 
(C) Dadabhai Nauroji (D) Jyotiba Phule

87. Which of the following leader never became the president of Indian National Congress?
(A) Dadabhai Nauroji (B) J L Nehru
(C) Moti Lal Nehru (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 

88. Annie Besant formed the Home Rule League in India based on the pattern of Home Rule Movement in :
(A) Ireland ✔ (B) Scotland
(C) England (D) Eastern Europe

89. The Brahma Samaj was based on the twin pillars of :
(A) Reasons and Humanism ✔ (B) Humanism and Vedas
(C) Reason, Vedas and Upanishada (D) None of the above

90. Who among the following, was the founder of the Satya Shodhak Samaj?
(A) B.R. Ambedkar (B) Jyotiba Phule 
(C) Narayan Guru (D) Rama Swami Nailer

91. British introduced the railways in India in order to
(A) promote heavy industries in India
(B) facilitate British commerce and administrative control 
(C) move foodstuff in case of famine
(D) enable Indians to move freely within the country

92. The Qutub Minar was completed by the famous ruler :
(A) Qutubuddin Aibak (B) Iltutmish 
(C) Feroz Shah Tughlaq (D) Alauddin Khilji

93. Fundamental Rights are not given to :
(A) bankrupt persons (B) aliens
(C) persons suffering from incurable diseases (D) political sufferers 

94. Which Governor-General had abolished slavery?
(A) Sir John Shore (B) Lord William Bentick 
(C) Lord Ellenborough (D) Lord Cornwallis

95. Which school of philosophy is also known as Lokayat :
(A) Jaimini (B) Buddhism
(C) Charvak ✔ (D) Bhagvatism

96. Who were the main architects of the Indian National Conference?
(A) Surendranath Banerjee and Anand Mohan Bose 
(B) Surendranath Banerjee and Dadabhai Nauroji
(C) BG Tilak and Aurbindo
(D) None of the above

97. Who built the famous Gol Gumboz at Bijapur?
(A) Yusuf Adil Shah (B) Muhmmad Adil Shah 
(C) Ibrahim Adil Shah (D) Ahmed Adil Shah

98. Kuka Movement was organised by :
(A) Guru Ram Das (B) Guru Nanak
(C) Guru Ram Singh ✔ (D) Guru Gobind Singh

99. Malik Mohammed Jayasi, the author of ‘Padmavat’ lived at :
(A) Mandu (B) Multan
(C) Lahore (D) Jaunpur 

100. After the Surat split, the congress :
(A) went to the extremists.
(B) remained under the control of moderates. 
(C) was banned by the British Government.
(D) was temporarily disbanded.