Sunday, April 5, 2020



Accounting Ratio

Ratio :- vuqikr& nks la[;kvksa ds ikjLifjd laca/k dks xf.krh; :Ik esa izdV djuk vuqikr dgykrk gSA

 Objective/Need/Advantage/Importance/Uses/Significance of Accounting Ratio :-

1)        O;olk; dh detksj fLFkfr dk irk yxkkukA

2)       O;olk; esa Liquidity, Solvency, Activity, Profitability dk xgu fo’ys”k.k djukA

3)       Time Series Analysis djukA

4)      iqokZuqeku esa lgk;dA

5)      Hkfo”; esa ;kstuk cukus es lgk;dA

6)      fofr; fooj.kksa ds fo’ys”k.k esa lgk;dA

7)      ys[kkadu vkadM+ksa dk ljyhdj.kA

8)      rqyukRed v/;;u esa lgk;dA

9)      vkn’kZ izekiksa dk fu/kkZj.kA

10)    Effective Control

11)      Helpful in Good Communication

12)     Helpful in POSDCORB.

13)     Helpful in Decision Making.


DisAdvantage/Limitation of Accounting Ratio :-

1)        False Accounting Data gives false Ratos.

2)       ys[kkadu uhfr;ksa esa varj ds dkj.k nks QeksZ dh rqyuk vfo’oluh; gksrh gSA

3)       mijh fn[kkoVA fu/kkZfjr izekiksa dk vHkkoA xq.kkRed rRoksa dh vogsyukA

4)      ,d vdsys vuqikr ds vk/kkj ij gh mfpr fu”d”kZ ugha fudkysa tk ldrsaA


Classification/Types of Accounting Ratio :-

Liquidity Ratio

Solvency Ratio

Activity Ratio

Profitability Ratio

·         Current Ratio/Working Capital Ratio

·         Quick Ratio/Acid Test Ratio/Liquid Ratio

·         Debt-Equity Ratio

·         Total Assets to Debt Ratio

·         Proprietary Ratio

·         Interest Coverage Ratio

·         Stock Turnover/Inventory Turnover Ratio

·         Debtors/Receivable Turnover Ratio

·         Creditor/Payable Turnover Ratio

·         Working Capital Turnover Ratio

·         Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio

·         Gross Profit Ratio

·         Operating Ratio

·         Operating Profit Ratio

·         Net Profit Ratio

·         ROI (Return On Investment)


[A] Liquidity Ratio (rjyrk vuqikr)

1)      Current Ratio/Working Capital Ratio :-    CR =       Current Assets

                                                                                    Current Liabilities

Current Assets = Total Assets & Non Current Assets


Current Assets = Total Assets & Fixed Assets & Noncurrent Investment


Current Assets = Working Capital + Current Liabilities


Current Assets = Current Assets & Loose Tools


Current Liabilities  = Short Term Borrowing + Trade Payable + Short Term Provision + Other Current Liab.


Current Liabilities  = Total Assets & Shareholder Fund & Non Current Liab.


Current Liabilities  = Total DEBT & Long Term Debt.


Current Liabilities  = Trade Payable + Other Liab.


Current Assets

Current Liabilities

·         Current Investment

·         Stock/Inventories

·         Trade Receivables

·         B.R

·         Sundry Debtor

·         Cash in hand, Cash at bank, Cash Equivalents

·         Short Term Loans

·         Prepaid Expenses, Accrued Incomes

·         Advance Tax, Marketable Securities

·         Short Term Borrowing

·         Bank Overdraft

·         Trade Payable

·         B.P, Sundry Creditor

·         Long Term Loan

·         Income Received in Advances

·         Outstanding Expenses

·         Unclaimed Dividend

·         Calls in Advanced

·         Short Term Provision & Tax

·         Proposed Dividend



2)      Quick Ratio/Acid Test Ratio/Liquid Ratio :-  QR/ATR/LR =           Liquid Assets

                                                                                                 Current Liabilities


Liquid Assets

Current Liabilities

·         Current Investment

·         Stock/Inventories

·         Trade Receivables

·         B.R

·         Sundry Debtor

·         Cash in hand, Cash at bank, Cash Equivalents

·         Short Term Loans

·         Advance Tax

·         Less Provision for Doubtful Debts

·         Short Term Borrowing

·         Bank Overdraft

·         Trade Payable

·         B.P, Sundry Creditor

·         Long Term Loan

·         Income Received in Advances

·         Outstanding Expenses

·         Unclaimed Dividend

·         Calls in Advanced

·         Short Term Provision & Tax

·         Proposed Dividend


 Liquid Assets = Current Assets & Inventories(stock) & Other Current Assets as Prepaid Expenses, Advance Tax.



[B] Solvency Ratio (‘kks/ku {kerk vuqikr)


1)     Debt-Equity Ratio


D.E.R =   DEBT  OR       Long Term Debts

              Equity              Shareholder’s Fund or Net Worth



Long Term Debt

Equity/Shareholder Fund

·         Long Term Borrowing

·         Long Term Provision

·         Debentures, Mortage Loan, Bank Loan

·         Loan from Institutions in financial bank.

·         Public Deposit, Bonds, Loan from Bank

·         Share Capital

·         Securities Premimum

·         Capital Reserve

·         General Reserve

·         Reserve & Surplus

·         Equity & Preference Share Capital

·         Profit & Loss Balance



Long Term Debt = Total Debt & Current Liabilities


Long Term Debt = Long Term Borrowing + Long Term Provisions


Equity/Shareholder fund = Non Current Assets + Working Capital & Noncurrent Liabilities



2)      Total Assets to Debt Ratio


T.A.D.R =                 Total Assets       

                          Debt/Long Term Debt



Long Term Debt

Total Assets

·         Long Term Borrowing

·         Long Term Provision

·         Debentures, Mortage Loan, Bank Loan

·         Loan from Institutions in financial bank.

·         Public Deposit, Bonds, Loan from Bank

·         Total Assets :- Non Current Assets (Tangible & Intangible assets) + Non Current Investment + Long Term Loan + Current Assets



Total Assets = Fixed Assets + Non Current Investment + Current Assets


Total Assets = Shareholder fund + Total Debt


Total Assets = Goodwill + Non Current Assets + Current Assets




Debt/Long Term Debt = Long Term Borrowing + Long Term Provision


Debt/Long Term Debt = Total Debt & Current Liabilities



3)      Proprietary Ratio


P.R =       Equity           OR       Proprietary Fund or Shareholder’s Fund or Net Worth

              Total Assets                                               Total Assets



Total Assets

Proprietary fund/Equity/Shareholder Fund

·         Total Assets :- Non Current Assets (Tangible & Intangible assets) + Non Current Investment + Long Term Loan + Current Assets

·         Share Capital

·         Securities Premimum

·         Capital Reserve

·         General Reserve

·         Reserve & Surplus

·         Equity & Preference Share Capital

·         Profit & Loss Balance



4)      Interest Coverage Ratio


I.C.R = Profit before charging Interest & Income Tax

                                    Fixed Interest Charges


[C] Activity Ratio (fdz;k’khyrk vuqikr)


1)      Stock Turnover/Inventory Turnover Ratio

Stock Turnover/Inventory Turnover Ratio =   Cost of Revenue from Operation or Cost of Good Sold

Average Inventory/Stock


Cost of Revenue from Operation or Cost of Good Sold :-


1.      1st Method calculate of CGS/CRO

CGS = Net Sales (Sales – Sales Return) & Gross Profit (Net Sales - CGS)


2.      2nd Method calculate of CGS/CRO

CGS = Opening Stock + Purchase + Direct Expenses (Wages, Carriage) – Closing Stock


Note :-

v  Cost of Good Sold is also known as Cost of Revenue from Operation.

v  Inventory Is also known as Stock.

v  Sales is also known as Revenue from Operation.

v  Sales Return is also known as Revenue from Operation Return.


            àAverage Inventory/Stock = Opening Stock + Closing Stock


Average age of Inventory =            Days in a Year

                                                  Inventory Turnover Ratio




2)      Debtors/Trade Receivable Turnover Ratio


T.R.T.R =      Net Credit Revenue from Operation  =……. times

          Average Trade Receivable (Debtor + B.R)


Net Credit Revenue from Operation = Total Sales & Cash Sales



Text Box: Net Sales = Sales – Sales Return
Total Revenue from Operation & Revenue From Operation

Net Credit Revenue from Operation = Total Revenue from Operation & Cash Revenue from Operation



Average Trade Receivable

 = Opening Trade Receivable + Closing Trade Receivable                                                   2



3)      Creditor/Trade Payable Turnover Ratio


T.P.T.R =   Net Credit Purchase=……. times

                  Average Trade Payable (Creditor + B.R)




Net Credit Purchase = Credit Purchase & Purchase Return

Text Box: 1st Method calculate of CGS/CRO
CGS = Net Sales (Sales – Sales Return) & Gross Profit (Net Sales - CGS)

2nd Method calculate of CGS/CRO
CGS = Opening Stock + Purchase + Direct Expenses(Wages, Carriage) – Closing Stock


Average Trade Payable = Creditor + B.R



4)      Working Capital Turnover Ratio


Text Box: àGross Profit = (Net Sales – Cost of Good Sold)
1st Method calculate of CGS/CRO
CGS = Net Sales (Sales – Sales Return) & Gross Profit (Net Sales - CGS)

2nd Method calculate of CGS/CRO
CGS = Opening Stock + Purchase + Direct Expenses(Wages, Carriage) – Closing Stock

àNet Sales/Revenue from Operation = (Sales – Sales Return)

W.C.T.R =                 Net Sale  or  Cost of Good Sold                                                   Net Working Capital




W.C.T.R =                 Net Revenue from Operation                                                      Net Working Capital




W.C.T.R =                 Cost of Revenue from Operation

 Net Working Capital



Net Working Capital = Current Assets & Current Liabilities




Cost of Revenue from Operation or Cost of Good Sold :-


               1st Method calculate of CGS/CRO


CGS = Net Sales (Sales – Sales Return) & Gross Profit (Net Sales - CGS)


2nd Method calculate of CGS/CRO

CGS = Opening Stock + Purchase + Direct Expenses (Wages, Carriage) – Closing Stock



5)      Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio

F.A.T.R =          Net Sale  or  Cost of Good Sold

                             Fixed Assets (Less Depreciation)


6)      Current Assets Turnover Ratio

C.A.T.R =                Net Sale  or  Cost of Good Sold

                                      Current Assets


7)      Capital Turnover Ratio

C.T.R =                    Net Sale  or  Cost of Good Sold

                                      Capital Employed



[D] Profitability Ratio (ykHknk;drk vuqikr)


1)      Gross Profit Ratio

G.P.R =                          Gross Profit                  × 100                                              

Revenue from Operation or Net Sales


2)      Operating Ratio          O.R =  Cost of Good Sold + Operating Expenses Operating Income    × 100                                                                                                   Revenue from Operation or Net Sales



O.R =  Cost of revenue from Operation + Operating Expenses Operating Income    × 100                                                                           Revenue from Operation or Net Sales


Operating Expenses

Operating Income

·         Employee Benefit Expenses + Depreciation + Office Exp. + Administration exp + Selling Exp. + Distribution Exp. + Discount + Bad Debts + Interest on Short Term Loans.

·         Commission Received + Discount Received


3)      Operating Profit Ratio

O.P.R =                                                  Operating Profit                      × 100                                              

Revenue from Operation or Net Sales



Operating Profit

Operating Income

·         Operating Profit = Gross Profit – Operating Expenses + Operating Income

·         Commission Received + Discount Received




Note- ;fn iz’u esa Net Profit fn;k gks rks Operating Profit dks fuEu izdkj ls Kkr fd;k tkrk gSA

Operating Profit = Net Profit – Operating Income + Operating Expenses



4)      Net Profit Ratio

N.P.R =                        Net Operating Profit OR  Net Profit After Tax                                          

     Revenue from Operation or Net Sales


Net Profit

Indirect Expenses

Other Income

Net Profit = Gross Profit – Indirect Expenses & losses + Other Income

Indirect Expenses =Office Expenses + Selling Expenses + Interest on Long Term Borrowing + Accidental Losses.

Income from Rent + Commission Received + Discount Received



5)      ROI (Return On Investment)/Return on Capital Employed/Yield on Capital


ROI =    Net Profit before Interest, Tax dividends  × 100                                     

        Capital Employed


Text Box: Ideal Ratio vkn’kZ vuqikr
è	Current Ratio = 2 : 1
è	Quick/Liquid/Acid Test Ratio = 1 : 1
è	Cash Position Ratio = 0.75 : 1
è	Proprietary Ratio = 1 : 3
è	Debt Equity Ratio = 2 : 1
è	Gross Profit Ratio = 25% to 30%
è	Operating Profit Ratio = 75% to 80%






























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